Former Somali President Sharif warns Hassan Sheikh highlighting three main concerns


MOGADISHU (KAAB TV) – The former Somali President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed has issued a warning to Hassan Sheikh, highlighting three main concerns.

The ex-president criticized the unilateral decision to alter the Somali provisional constitution, cautioning that such actions, despite Hassan Sheikh’s attempts, will not be effective.

“Even if the current parliament approves it will it work? No it will not,” Sheikh Sharif said.

During a press conference in Mogadishu, Sheikh Sharif also urged Hassan to refrain from deploying social media trolls against political adversaries, which has exacerbated mistrust and animosity among Somalis.

“The use of social media trolls to incite and abuse opponents is rising with concern. I ask the current president why do you need to use that?” he added.

Furthermore, the ex-president disclosed the escalation of ethnic and clan-based animosity that Hassan Sheikh has allegedly manipulated to silence critics, describing it as the most severe crisis the country has faced.

Sheikh Sharif said since president Hassan Sheikh came to power the clan-based hatred and discrimination rose unprecedentedly saying the government officials have been using the clan-based narrative as a political tool.

Somalia finds itself once again on the brink of destabilization, with divisions along clan lines widening and causing significant repercussions.

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