A famous businessman in Galkayo was killed in his business place


Galkacyo (KAAB TV) – Different details come from killing today in Galkayo man, the killing was carried out by groups of piracy as reported.

The businessman who was killed was named Ahmed Tahliil Haji Adan, and he was one of the big businessmen in Galkayo city, the capital of Mudug region.

Also, the people of the area told us that at the time the deceased was being murdered, he was in his business place.

On the other hand, after the murder, the security agencies of Galkayo city arrived at the scene, and they have not yet released any details about the murder, as the identity of the group that committed the murder is not known.

Finally, many times in the city of Galkayo there are planned murders, which are aimed at the intelligence of the city of Galkayo, the capital of Mudug region.

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