An airstrike killed Al-Shabaab fighters in the Mudug district.



Dhusamareb (KAAB TV) – Several Al-Shabaab militants were killed in an airstrike in Barag Garguurte, a village near Harardhere district in Mudug region.

The bombed area is located around 20 kilometres south of Harardhere district in the Mudug region.

According to a Federal Government news release, drones have been attacking areas where Al-Shabaab fighters have gathered in recent days.

“These days, Al shabab are bringing vehicles into the area. The attack damaged a military vehicle, killed members of the terrorist group, and burnt three vehicles, according to the news release.

The government did not quantify the number of terrorists killed in the attack, but reported that the group suffered significant losses.

The attack in Barag Garguurte comes at a time when Al-Shabaab controls most of the southern Mudug region.

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