Rivalry turns violent: Al-Shabab and ISIS clash in Somalia


Mogadisho (Kaab TV)Rival factions of the Somali extremist group Al-Shabab engaged in violent clashes in Puntland State over the weekend as the quest for territorial supremacy continued to fuel conflict. 

According to sources, the fighting began on Saturday night. It continued until early Sunday between militants affiliated with al-Qaeda and those linked to the Islamic State (ISIS) in the Bari region of eastern Somalia. 

The confrontations took place at wadi, or dry riverbeds, known as Dadamale and Qura’da in Ja’ayl, located more than 1,500 kilometers northeast of the capital city, Mogadishu. 

The disputed area lies in Balli Dhidin, where both Al-Shabab and ISIS are present.

Notably, the district of Qandala in Bari, situated between Qandala and Bosaso, the main port town and commercial capital of Puntland, has seen heightened activity from extremist groups. 

Qandala District Commissioner Ahmed Yusuf confirmed the clashes to Caasimada Online, stating that the mountainous region’s residents had reported the conflict.

“The two extremist groups have coexisted in the area, but it seems they are fighting for territorial control,” said Yusuf, adding that the situation remained tense. However, the area’s topography made it challenging to gather information. 

The mountainous terrain, dry riverbeds, and water streams have traditionally provided cover for the militants, enabling them to coexist.  

However, the latest outbreak of violence suggests that tensions between the rival factions have escalated, with the two groups seeking to expand their influence and control. 

In 2015, loyalists of Sheikh Abdulkadir Mumin, a high-ranking Al-Shabab official, declared their allegiance to ISIS, leading to an internal split within Al-Shabab. 

Since then, the two groups have engaged in sporadic clashes, challenging the Puntland administration and the Somali National Army.

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