Somali govt, EU and FAO inaugurate renovated livestock ministry facilities in Mogadishu


Mogadishu (Kaab TV) – Improved and refurbished offices of the Ministry of Livestock Forestry, and Range were inaugurated in Mogadishu today. The initiative will help to improve the capacity of the Federal Government of Somalia to better support and manage Somalia’s livestock sector, an industry critical to the country’s food security and economic development.

Supported by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and the European Union (EU) through the ‘Resilient Fisheries and Livestock Value Chain for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth in Somalia’ (RAAISE) project (2020-2024), the works included the renovation of offices and facilities of the federal ministry building, along with the installation of IT equipment, furnishings including desks and chairs, and other important equipment.

The inauguration was attended by His Excellency Mr. Hamza Abdi Barre, The Prime Minister of Somalia, the Hon. Mr. Hassan Hussein Mohamed, Federal Minister of Livestock, Forestry and Range, Hon. Ambassador, Tiina Intelmann of the European Union Delegation to Somalia and representing the FAO Representative to Somalia, Mr. Roland Kassab, Head of Operations for FAO in Somalia as well as delegates of the European Union, FAO, Ministry officials and representatives of the livestock sector.

The livestock industry is of critical importance for Somalia in terms of providing livelihoods and underpinning the economy,” said the EU Ambassador to Somalia Tiina Intelmann. “The EU hopes that this support and partnership will help it to grow sustainably and provide new opportunities for communities.”

The strengthening of the ministries’ capacity for oversight and policy development of the livestock industry will see improvements along the whole value chain and improve its contribution to Somalia’s economic development.

“It is critical for Somalia’s livestock sector to adapt to future challenges, and take advantage of opportunities as well,” said Hon. Minister for Livestock, Forestry and Range, Mr. Hassan Hussein Mohamed. “With support from FAO and the EU through the RAAISE project, this achievement reflects the growing capacity of the Ministry to better support livestock producers and state ministries with technical capacity, regulatory and policy support,” he said.

Strengthening institutional capacity 

The RAAISE project seeks to strengthen the physical, human and institutional capacities of the government at both the Federal Ministry level and Ministries of the Federal Member States. The inauguration of the offices reflects a priority to strengthen the operational institutional capacity through construction or rehabilitation of the ministry offices and provision of important equipment.

There will also be long-term support technical training of government staff to enhance knowledge and skills on needy and specialized technical areas; including information technology and enhancing organizational capacity in public sector governance. “By strengthening the capacity of staff and services at the ministry level, the benefits will be far reaching for the whole livestock sector,” said Mr. Roland Kassab, FAO’s head of operations in Somalia. “Along with the capacity building of the counterpart ministries at Federal Member State level, Somalia’s pastoralists and livestock sector participants will see a real boost in support with these new initiatives,” he said.

Diversifying and strengthening Somalia’s food producing sectors

The RAAISE Project builds on recent progress made in increasing employment and food security for people by sustainably expanding the fisheries and livestock sectors in Somalia. It focuses on enhancing incomes and livelihoods of people, through means including new jobs, inclusive economic opportunities, and infrastructure rehabilitation, which will be achieved under three outcomes contributing to the livestock and fisheries sectors encompassing production, marketing, and institutional capacity building.

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