UK Announces £5 Million Contribution to Support Somali Security Forces


MOGADISHU (KAAB TV) – The United Kingdom has announced a further £5 million in support of the Somali Security Forces (SSF), delivered through the United Nations Support Office in Somalia (UNSOS) Trust Fund.

The funding will supply essential non-lethal aid such as food rations, tents, communication gear, and air medical evacuation services.

UK Embassy says the support is intended to strengthen the SSF’s capability to collaborate with the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) as they gradually assume more responsibility for the nation’s security.

At the recent Friends of the Somalia Security Forces Trust Fund meeting, British Ambassador to Somalia, Mike Nithavrianakis, highlighted the UK’s continued commitment:

“The UK is proud to fund UN support to the Somali Security Forces because we recognize the vital need for a more secure and stable future for all Somalis. This latest funding will enhance the SSF’s capabilities and provide them with the resources they need,” ambassador Nithavrianakis stated.

The British ambassador encouraged other members of the international community to join us in ensuring that the SSF are in the best possible position to take on increased domestic security responsibilities.”

Somalia’s Defence Minister Abdikadir Mohamed Nur expressed appreciation for the continued support saying that the continued support of the Trust Fund is crucial for the ongoing development of our national security infrastructure and the future of Somalia.

Aisa Kirabo Kacyira, Head of UNSOS, also requested other partners to contribute to the Trust Fund to help bolster the capacity and capabilities of the Somali Security Forces.

“This will enable them to effectively take over security responsibilities from the African Union forces and ensure lasting peace and security in Somalia and the region,” Kacyira stated.

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